This week was hot in California Bay Area, so I made "Hiyajiru" with pacific saury (or 'samma' in Japanese) for lunch.
Hiyajiru is a Japanese rice dish that has fish and vegetables on top, flavored with cool miso soup.
Pacific saury is now in season!
Ingredients (serves 4):
2 pacific saury
1/2cup of miso
2 cucumber
2 myoga (Japanese ginger)
10 leaves of aojiso(Japanese basil)
4 Tbs of sesame (toasted)
4 eggs
4 cups of steamed rice
5 cups of water
2 bags of kayanoya dashi (Japanese soup stock powder)
秋刀魚 2匹
味噌 1/2カップ
胡瓜 2本
みょうが 2個
青じそ 10枚
ごま 大さじ4
卵 4個
ごはん 茶碗4杯
水 5カップ
茅の舎だし 2袋